Sunday, July 31, 2011

elven windowpiece

Zbrush sculpt with some polypaintage, elven window for a treehouse piece I'm working on.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Splitting up bits in Zbrush

Splitting apart the concept and refining the shapes more. Time consuming but this's been EXTREMELY educational in figuring out workflow for hard-surface generation in Zbrush. Can't wait to do detail work w/alpha brushes and what not once I get the rest of the major forms (mostly the neck area, tubing bits) situated.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Continued progress, base fountain meshes

Starting to put things together. Tonight was mostly blocking out the cabling/connection from the robot to the actual fountain. Balancing between streamlined and segmentation, as well as figuring how to blend the stonework of the fountain and the metalwork of the robot. Maybe make it a brassy copper type of material instead of stone/marble?

So the whole idea of this is to make some sort of robot-kiosk sort of device...basically a blend of the Starcraft adjutant and the holograms from Mass Effect, you walk up to it and it gives you info of the area, whatever. Ideally I'd like this one to look fairly run down, think of something from a Worlds Fair of years gone by that was exciting at the time but became forgotten and run down, marred by graffiti and scavengers, gang markings and weathered/beaten stone decorating her but still holding on and doing her duty but wishing to escape.

Friday, February 11, 2011

zbrush sculpt

Robot girl for fountain idea I've been messing with.